Passive Income is when you use your money to make money for you and traditionally this has been reserved only for the rich because you need money to get started and it’s usually only the rich who have spare money to use for investing. Now thanks to the digital age, products have been created that allow people with small amounts of money to generate an income from their money.
We believe that nobody should ever put all their eggs in one basket, especially when it comes to your financial strategy. So we have built streams of residual income and streams of passive income for ourselves. That way we can work to create an income, which will then work for us and make us more income, which we can either reinvest in our businesses, or use to support our organizations, our charities, our friends, our families, to build a better world… That is the plan.
Because these programs have been successful for us we like to share them. We must stress that we are not financial experts. We are not giving you financial advice. We are showing you what we are doing because we believe we are creating a stronger, more stable, financial future for ourselves and our families. So far it has worked out well for us. We do not know what the future holds but because it’s been working for us we want to share our good fortune with others.
So what are you looking for? Take your pick, Option 1 or Option 2, or both!
(In an ideal world, you would do them both - your goal should be 5 independent income streams)