Our aim is to help every individual create financial stability with at least five independent income streams.

Over 10 years ago we started helping business owners create better relationships with past, current and future customers and clients so that they could close more sales, improve customer loyalty and increase referrals. Basically generate more revenue.

It started with us identifying a problem - inefficient follow up strategies - and finding a way to solve it with simple and effective marketing tools and systems. It turned out to be very effective.

The need for income is ever increasing so to solve that problem we helped our clients create other revenue streams like books, membership sites, courses, even product sales.

When the pandemic hit some businesses could no longer operate and families were struggling because of lost income. This highlighted the need for multiple independent streams of income. Could we help our clients make money aside from their business or their work? Yes, we could!

Now even though inflation is hitting hard and many business owners are struggling financially and concerned about their future, we have programs that will make us financially stable for the future. We want to share our programs with you.

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There are two ways of making extra money - residual income and passive income. We had been working on residual programs like books, training courses and products for some years. Now we wanted to find something passive. To us residual and passive are not the same at all.

We did a lot of research, we were offered so many options, real and unreal, and worked with teams of experts to sift through it all. Our years of experience as entrepreneurs helped and so did Andrea's time in London working for an investment fund, and we vetted everything that looked like a good option.

We were very lucky, we did hit the jackpot with some fabulous opportunities which we call our Abundance Snowball. We are confident they will lead to a brighter financial future for us all and we love to share what we do so others can choose to participate if they wish as there are options for every budget and need.

Whether you are a business owner or not, you need 5 independent income streams to create financial stability and we can help you find those that will suite you best.

You worked hard for your money and now it's time to protect it by making more!

You worked hard for your money and now it's time for your money to work hard for you!

Click the buttons below for more information on our passive and residual income programs.

Whatever support you need with your business or for your family, we can show you solutions that will set you up for spectacular success!

With grateful thanks,

Andrea & Robert

We can offer you two ways of increasing your income: Residual and Passive programs

(in an ideal world, you would do them both - your goal should be 5 independent income streams)


Please note that we are not financial experts in any way, shape, or form, and we are not providing any financial advice. We are learning as we go and sharing programs we find that are successful for us. There are no guarantees, and we offer no security. Do not use funds for any business or financial opportunity that you cannot do without. Losses can occur as well as wins and past performance is no guarantee of future success. We always pray for your success and share what works for us, however, you participate at your own risk so please do not hold us responsible if the outcome is not what you had hoped.

Whichever option you decide is right for you, we will help you every step of the way, and if you are not sure which one to choose, let's talk it through. Our purpose is to help you decide whether you want to participate, or not.

Some of our programs involve crypto to some degree. Sometimes just to add funds to your account, and if you are new to crypto you might find it rather confusing, even frightening. We completely understand that because we felt the same way, and decided to learn as much as we could as crypto currency is not going away any time soon, and we want to be able to benefit from it.

If you do not yet have a crypto wallet or exchange account we can help you set one up. We will be there for you every step of the way!

Email: PhD@PhDinFollowup.com


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